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Posts posted by sparks

  1. Says it all really...


    His last words...


    Interesting how plod quotes the real law when convenient...


    Harwood, a van driver who had strayed from his vehicle, has accepted Tomlinson posed no threat to him or anyone else when he struck him. He said he did so because he believed the newspaper seller posed a "breach of the peace" under common law.
  2. It's only a matter of time for the UK too....


    But our so-called debts are too big for anyone to cover.


    Of course the banking families are driving prices down, so they can buy up 'assets' with that imaginary money and start off their ponzi schemes again...It's interesting to note that approximately 90% of the world's 'assets' are in fact 'debts' owed to the banks.


    You have the right idea MrD of course - but according to those in power, that makes you an anarchist!... :Cool:


    Edit: Worth a look

  3. Snap! Lol



    The last time I listened to Green (the glorious om riff) I got so laid back on a bottle of minervois I crashed out...



    The perils of age...!


    I get Live Herald out every now and again, but what gets me (with my mix of music influences) is his 1988 Live Aktivator track - kind of sums me up really!


    Nice link, but I'm also not into hardcore - because whilst the mind is willing, the body (aka 'dad dancing') is not!


    ps. All you non hillage fans can ignore our anal banter btw... :Laugh:

  4. I have a copy of the green album in appropriately coloured vinyl - mint condition...


    Trouble is, if I get to play Hillage now, it has to be when the other half is out...


    Still - Lay back, volume up, and chill out - although nowadays it's with a glass or two of malt whisky!

  5. Having struggled with the 'insert media', I'll just put in the links!


    In a lfetime of gigs, here's my top 5 of ones I attended (and can actually remember :Laugh:) ...And courtesy of youtube I can re-live them!


    As I said, does music make you what you are...or is it the other way around?



    (Bunked out of school to see this)



    (First real spliff !)



    Bowie - Glastonbury 2000

    (A teenager again!)



    (Took our 8 yr old to her first stadium gig - Not sure who likes green day the most!)



    (If there was a god he would be called Joe Strummer!)


    So there you go...


    An anarchic hippy....lol

  6. It will get worse, because that is all that can happen when the cuts actually hit...and even then, they won't do any good!


    Camoron bleats on about giving an 'alternative' to the cuts, and there is one. - Only no politician would propose it!


    But it's very simple....


    Take control of the banks and our own currency! And then tie it to a credible asset...If we still had a gold bullion standard economy (and it doesn't matter that Brown sold a lot of ours), it would mean that 'I promise to pay the bearer' would actually mean something!


    I wonder how many people know what a fiat economy is? (no car jokes!)


    What it means is that the government(*see later) can decide what is a currency and what is not...In theory Camoron could make the currency of the UK baked beans, as fiat means "let it be done" - a decree...


    But here's the rub


    * The government doesn't actually own the bank of England, as the US government don't own the Fed...They are private, and were set up when their respective countries had run out of money! And they are linked to the same individuals!


    Therefore it is private individuals who run the government via national currencies, not the other way around...


    "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild


    "A great industrial nation is controlled by it's system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the world--no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men." — President Woodrow Wilson



    A couple of people in America decided this wasn't right and were proposing to print treasury (government) money.... Lincoln and Kennedy!


    Those who were smashing things up realise this!

  7. Very interesting...


    The file is no longer to be found!


    Of course resourceful people tend to save what they find... :Winky:


    Ms Jil Matheson, C.E.O.

    Office for National Statistics

    Government Buildings

    Cardiff Road


    South Wales

    NP10 8XG <date>



    Notice of Conditional Acceptance and Request for Clarification

    Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal; Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent


    Dear Ms Matheson,


    I write in response to the Census form which was addressed to “The Occupier”.


    I must admit to being a little confused as it was my understanding that the census was instigated as a simple numerical count of the population; however, the information required in this census far exceeds this mandate.


    I have personally experienced a loss of my data while it has supposedly been securely managed by government departments such as the NHS, DWP, CSA, HMRC and the Passport Agency; officials or those contracted with the security of that data on a number of occasions so you will understand that I have concerns about the ONS’s ability to safeguard the personal data it is requesting.


    However, the census form in question will be completed and returned subject to receipt of full clarification of the points and questions contained in this notice. I am therefore offering conditional agreement. This removes controversy and means that you no longer have any ultimate recourse to a court of law in this matter, because there is no controversy upon which it could adjudicate.


    For this reason it is important that you consider and respond to this notice and respond in substance, which means actually addressing the points raised herein. The ‘nearest official form’ will not suffice, and consequently is likely to be ignored by myself without any dishonour on my part.


    It is my understanding that notice to one is notice to all. Should you not be in a position to respond with clarity to the points stated herein, a suitable officer or official must be delegated the task of response and the name of said person will be made known to myself.


    On the other hand there is a time-limit on the agreement being offered. It is reasonable, and if it runs out then you and all associated parties are in default, removing any and all lawful excuse on your part for proceeding in this matter.


    You have apparently made demands upon ‘The Occupier’.


    I do not understand those apparent demands and therefore cannot lawfully fulfil them. I seek clarification of your document so that I may act according to the law and maintain my entire body of inalienable Natural Rights.


    Failure to accept this offer to clarify and to do so completely and in good faith within 7 (seven) days will be deemed by all parties to mean you and your principal or other parties abandon all demands upon me.


    Please answer and clarify, in full with proof of all claims made, the following points and questions:


    1. What law requires me to complete the census?

    2. From where does the Office for National Statistics derive the lawful authority to demand private information?

    3. Is there a limit to invasion of privacy?

    4. Is the Office for National Statistics lawfully authorised to demand Private property?

    5. How can we be penalised for failure to provide information?

    6. By what authority does the Census collector threaten penalties for failure to provide personal information?

    7. Are there any circumstances whereby security agencies may access census information as suggested by section 39, subsection 4 of the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007?

    8. Since census data be requested under pain of law enforcement and threat of financial hardship, are individuals able to decline answering so as to not to incriminate themselves, as authorised, for example by the Data Protection Act?

    9. My rights prohibits government search and seizure of private information without a court warrant based on probable cause, current Census policies violate that right do they not?

    10. As the public have not been consulted on the Census, please explain how this demand for private information is ‘Democratic’.

    11. Confirm or deny that any demand through correspondence such as the Census form sent to “The Occupier” has any basis for legal status of legitimacy.

    12. The Census form states “The householder is responsible for ensuring that this questionnaire is completed and returned” – please provide details of the legal definition upon which the ONS depends in defining “The householder”.

    13. Does the Census refer to the ‘sentient, physical human being’ or the ‘legal fiction/person’ as identified by birth certificates, passports and other legal documentation which have no legal bearing on the sentient, physical, human being?

    14. Please provide proof of claim that ‘The Occupier’ is a member of the society whose statures and subsisting regulations you are enforcing.

    15. Please provide proof of claim that there is a nameable society to which ‘The Occupier’ belongs and that the laws covered within any alleged transgressions state that they apply to ‘The Occupier’ within that named society.

    16. Please prove that the Census data collected will not be used directly or indirectly for the service of shareholders in any of the corporations involved in the running of Government services.

    17. Please confirm or deny that private information collected by the Census will not be used to form profit-making strategies and policies that will affect the wellbeing of any private individual.

    18. Please provide evidence of the processes the ONS will use to locate, protect and compensate those individuals whose data may become compromised.

    19. Since every government database has been hacked, leaked, lost or compromised in some fashion, how can the Office for National Statistics claim data security with any confidence?

    20. Is the Office for National Statistics responsible for mishandled data?

    21. What evidence do you have that I am a United Kingdom Resident?

    22. Please confirm or deny that the spiralling cost estimate of almost £500million spent at a time of national austerity is considered by the ONS to be wholly justifiable and appropriate.

    23. Please confirm or deny that the expenditure of £4.5million of tax-payers money in order to “advertise” the census is wholly appropriate and necessary at a time of national austerity.

    24. Please confirm or deny that the Cabinet minister responsible for the census, Francis Maude, more or less admits that this census is unnecessary in this day and age and that the census is going ahead despite the government’s tacit admittance that it is a waste of money and time.

    25. Please confirm or deny that the ONS spent nearly £70,000 on reviewing whether the census form should include a “tick box” for those of Kashmiri ethnicity and that such a tick box was rejected due to “little interest” and that the resulting expenditure constitutes a complete waste of tax-payers money.

    26. Please confirm or deny that the ONS is spending in the region of £25,000 per week or approximately £9.5million over a ten month period on community advisors to “encourage” participation in the census and please confirm that the ONS considers that this constitutes a wholly justifiable and appropriate expenditure of tax-payers money.

    27. Please confirm or deny that the ONS are, through these advisors, hoping to encourage participation in the census through dialogue with members of community and representative organisations in order to “engage” the communities represented by those organisations and that the encouragement through engagement is unnecessary as the ONS claims that participation in the census is mandatory and that a response is “required by law” and please also confirm that in engaging communities in this fashion that the ONS are guilty of discrimination against communities who do not have such “representative organisations” through which to engage.

    28. Please confirm or deny that the census data will be handled by an US arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin?

    29. Please confirm or deny that Lockheed Martin have in the past been charged with illegally spying on UK citizens.

    30. Please confirm or deny that Lockheed Martin works with the CIA and FBI and that they have a lengthy record of crimes against humanity.

    31. Please confirm or deny that while it may be illegal for UK intelligence agencies to spy on the population without a warrant that it is not illegal for US intelligence services to spy on the UK population without such a warrant.

    32. Given their track record for such actions please confirm or deny that Lockheed Martin have not in the case of the census consultancy paid bribes to individuals in order to secure the contract.

    33. It is suggested that Lockheed Martin have no moral fibre, social conscience or scruples and it is further suggested that they are one of the most disreputable companies in the world – please confirm or deny this.

    34. It is suggested that thousands of law suits have been filed against Lockheed Martin for everything from racial discrimination to fraud. If this were the case, it would prevent them from fulfilling their contract with the ONS – please confirm or deny this.

    35. It is reported that Lockheed Martin have “lobbied” for the illegal war in Iraq and that they have been the main arms suppliers to the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine thus making them responsible for the deaths of millions of human beings – please confirm or deny this.

    36. In a news report published by the Mail Online, it is show that personal details collection in your census will be processed in a plant run by an American firm, staff of which was prosecuted for stealing student loan records of US President Obama.

    37. In a news report published by the Mail on Sunday shows that the company UK Data Capture Limited named as the sub-contractor in charge of processing census information is jointly owned by the examination board Edexcel and US-owned firm Vangent which are both regarded as having “patchy” records for data handling – please confirm or deny this.

    38. Please confirm or deny that Edexcel was criticised by in 2002 by then Prime Minister Blair for a series of errors when he described the company as “sloppy” and “unacceptable”.

    39. Please confirm or deny that the Office for National Statistics considers these companies as acceptable agents for the handling of private statistical information of the British people.

    40. Please confirm or deny that the personal data collected by your census will not be sold, given, loaned or in any other way disseminated to companies offering online “directory” services such as 192.com or hard copy based directory services such as Yellow Pages or Thomson Local or any similar or associated organisations.

    41. Please confirm or deny that all U.S. companies are subject to the Patriot Act which allows the U.S. Government full access to any data in that company’s possession?

    42. It is claimed that only staff who work for the ONS will have access to the “full census dataset”; please confirm or deny that it would not be possible for several members of ONS staff (each having access to separate datasets) might not collude in order to collect together a full dataset of information in contravention to the security measures supposedly put in place.

    43. In a Press Briefing dated 14 January 2011 it is stated that “additional contractual and operation safeguards” have been put in place to address concerns about the possibility of the US Patriot Act being used by US intelligence services to gain access to data – please list these contractual and operational safeguards.

    44. In a Press Briefing dated 14 January 2011 it is stated that only UK/EU owned companies will have access to personal census data – please confirm or deny that there may be UK/EU companies that are subsidiaries of US corporations that may circumnavigate the assurances provided by the Office for National Statistics and the contract between Lockheed Martin UK and so allow access to personal census data under the US Patriot Act.

    45. In a Press Briefing dated 14 January 2011 it is stated that independent checks by an “accredited UK security consultancy” of both physical and electronic security are carried out for ONS – please provide;

    a) the name of the accredited UK security consultancy;

    b) provide references that confirm their accreditation as well as;

    c) details of the body with whom they are accredited.

    46. In a Press Briefing dated 14 January 2011 it is stated that 1,500 jobs have been “created” by the award of the contract to Lockheed Martin UK. Please provide details of;

    a) how many of these jobs will exist on completion of the contract;

    b) what percentage of these jobs have been given to the long-term unemployed;

    c) what percentage of these jobs have been given to disabled people and,

    d) what percentage of these jobs are given to other than UK citizens and,

    e) what checks were made to ensure that they have the right to work in the UK (e.g. a Passport, a Visa or work permit for non-nationals).

    47. In a Press Briefing dated 14 January 2011 it is stated that 1,500 jobs have been “created” by the award of the contract to Lockheed Martin UK. Provide details of;

    a) the training that has been provided to these 1,500 new employees to ensure that security measures are understood and met;

    b) the rights that employees have to request time off for study or training, i.e. ‘time to train’;

    48. In a Press Briefing dated 14 January 2011 it is stated “the contract has created around 1,500 jobs in the UK”. Provide details of:

    a) what background checks have been carried out to ensure compliance with rules governing “security related jobs”;

    b) details of the equal opportunities policies pertaining to the pre-employment checks as required by Employment law;

    c) details of the rights and benefits of those being employed for the duration of the contract; and

    d) the details of any severance package applicable to those staff who will lose their job at the end of the contract;

    e) the rights offered to staff under the “flexible working rule”;

    f) if flexible working includes the provision to “work from home”, what additional safeguards are in place to ensure the integrity and security of the personal census data under such circumstances;

    g) the benefits offered to staff for maternity and paternity leave during the course of the contract;

    h) confirmation or denial that the ONS conform to the “working time limit” requirements under Employment Law;

    i) confirm under what conditions a contract of employment may be changed;

    i. agreement between the ONS and the employee,

    ii. collective agreement, or

    iii. by implication.

    49. In a Press Briefing dated 14 January 2011 it is stated that the contract was awarded by ONS to Lockheed Martin UK as it “offered the best value for money” in an “open procurement scheme” carried out “under European Law”. Please provide,

    a) details of how Lockheed Martin UK offered the best value for money by providing a table of the results of the tendering process;

    b) details of the open procurement scheme used and,

    c) the European Law under which the procurement scheme was carried out.

    50. In a Press Briefing dated 14 January 2011 it is stated that a “number of specialist companies” are being used by ONS to “provide specific services for the census”. Please provide;

    a) details of the specialist companies being used and

    b) the specific services being offered by those companies.

    51. In a Press Briefing dated 14 January 2011 it is stated “the contract has created around 1,500 jobs in the UK”. Please provide the following;

    a) which agency was used for the criminal records checks (CRB) on each of these staff;

    b) the net cost per CRB check per head;

    c) provide the registration number that the ONS has with the Criminal Records Bureau.

    52. In a Press Briefing dated 14 January 2011 it is stated “the contract has created around 1,500 jobs in the UK”. Please state how the data protection issues of these staff and their “secure employment records” are to be stored in compliance with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998.

    53. In relation to the notice on the front of the Household Questionnaire which reads “Your personal information is protected by law”. Please provide details of which laws apply to the protection of personal information.

    54. With reference to the further notice on the front of the Household Questionnaire which reads “Census information is kept confidential for 100 years”. Please confirm the method by which the paper forms will be handled following the capture of the information into electronic form;

    1. If the paper is to be stored, please confirm under what circumstances storage will be carried out;

    2. If the paper is to be recycled, please confirm under what circumstances recycling will be carried out;

    3. Confirm or deny whether the physical form will be kept as secure as you say the ONS intends to keep the electronic data.

    55. Given that individuals have been criminalised under UK Terrorism legislation for causing information to be brought together by being accused that in compiling such information (even if it be in the public domain) they are assisting potential terrorists - please confirm or deny that in providing information via the census form, I will not be held guilty of providing information to a foreign power who might have access to that data and so gain an advantage over this Sovereign nation.

    56. As it is an offence to interact with a known or suspected terrorist group please confirm or deny that Lockheed Martin fits the government’s interpretation of a “terrorist group”.

    57. Please confirm or deny that an offence would be committed of Treason if information is willingly furnished to a foreign power with information and confirm in English law that is it acceptable, if not a duty, to commit a lesser offence in order to prevent a greater offence.

    58. In order to maintain equality under law, please provide to me the exact same information required from me pertaining to each and every individual who has, is or ever will handle the census information in whatever possible form.

    59. Please confirm or deny that the census form constitutes a “contract”.

    60. Please confirm or deny that any demand through correspondence such as the census form sent to “The Occupier” has any basis for legal status or legitimacy.

    61. The census form states that “the householder is responsible for ensuring that this questionnaire is completed and returned” – please provide details of the legal definition upon which the ONS depends in defining “the householder”.

    62. Given the premise that “time is money”, please provide documentary proof under what authority the census must be completed in my own private time and at my own expense.

    63. Confirm or deny by way of documentary evidence whether I am able to charge an advance fee for the provision of my time and personal information for the purposes of the census.

    64. If you are unable to show such evidence as requested, please note that I shall exercise my right to charge for my time in providing the personal information you require and that I shall, upon such confirmation or inability to comply, require from the ONS a deposit to my bank for the fee of £100,000.00 in advance for provision of the service requested from me.

    65. Please confirm or deny that the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 section 39 subsection 4 would allow disclosure of personal information to any and/or all of the following:

    a) The 56 geographical and 8 non-geographical UK Police Forces and in particular the Devon and Cornwall Police who are currently owned by the corporation known as International Business Machines (IBM).

    b) The three UK Intelligence Agencies (MI5, MI6 and GCHQ).

    c) The Department for Work and Pensions.

    d) Private investigator working for the Department for Work and Pensions to hunt down alleged benefits cheats?

    e) Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs tax investigators.

    f) “Approved” Insurance Industry “anti-fraud” investigators / private investigators.

    g) The Home Office Borders and Immigration Agency.

    h) The Serious Organised Crime Agency (either for domestic investigations into Serious Crimes, or for these and also for minor investigations if requested by a Foreign Law Enforcement agency under Mutual Legal Assistance treaties.

    i) Lawyers in civil Court Cases e.g. for Divorce or Libel or Copyright Infringement etc.

    j) Local Authority Trading Standards departments.

    k) Local Authority Environmental Health departments.


    Please provide your response(s) in the form of a Statement of Truth, sworn under penalty of perjury and upon your full commercial liability within seven (7) days of receipt of this notice, I will retain the census form in the meantime.


    I am familiar with the terms of Section 40 of the Administration of Justice Act 1970, and the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. By contacting me regarding this matter after the appointed time you will be guilty of harassment and blackmail, you will be in breach of these Acts and you will be reported to the relevant bodies.


    Please also note that if you contact me by telephone regarding this matter after the appointed time you will also be in breach of the Wireless Telegraphy Act (1949) and, as such, I will report you to both Trading Standards and The Office of Fair Trading. Take further note that continued telephone calls after the receipt of a request not to call may constitute a criminal offence under Section 127 of the Communications Act 2003.


    Finally, you do not, nor have you ever had any permission to use or process my personal data in any way, and so pursuant to the Data Protection Act 1998, I hereby demand that you cease use of any and all data with regard to me and that you immediately destroy all of my data held on your records.


    Failure to do so will result in a report being submitted to The Information Commissioner for Data Protection breaches.


    If I do not receive such a response conforming to the above criteria within this period, it will be deemed a tacit agreement by your acquiescence that this census is unlawful and that I have no obligation to participate and I shall return your census form to you for safe disposal.


    Sincerely without malice, ill will, vexation or frivolity,










    Without any admission of any liability whatsoever, and with all Natural, Inalienable, Rights reserved.

    Errors & Omissions Excepted.


  8. DJ...Did you spot the crucial bit?


    I think this case was in the Commercial and Admiralty court.


    The law of the land (common law) is the one supposed to be upheld by parliament, and yet most people are tried under the other one!


    If you refuse to recognise Commercial and Admiralty juristiction in a magistrates court, there is nothing they can do since a magistrate is sworn to uphold Common Law!


    Merely 'standing up' means you acquiesce, as is saying 'yes' if plod says 'do you understand' - meaning you 'stand under' the law!


    It is vital that people realise what is going on, but I fear the true reason for the rise of these 'injunctions' is to try and do the opposite!

  9. Do you know how much we pay into the European union every day, lets put it this way if we stop paying for one week the will be no need for all the cuts and

    we can clear the national debt in one go.


    A wildly inaccurate claim I'm afraid...


    Net UK contribution to the EU per year - approx £6.4bn (2009)


    Current annual UK deficit - approx £170bn


    Total UK debt - £3trillion +


    Do the maths!

  10. Friday night..Our eldest daughter watching comic relief wonders why our government can't buy more 'plumpy nut' nutrition packs at 30p a go...

    Saturday..We're at war yet again, and even she can work out that one cruise missile would buy over 1.5 million of them!


    Either way though, we're broke - so where is the money coming from?


    (answers on a toilet roll addressed to the millionaire at number 11)

  11. Now as you know Mr D, I'm not one normally known for 'conspiracy theories'... :Winky:


    But its well known that American companies gain info/spy on us in areas that British ones are unable to do so because of our laws....of course when they get that info, our government can legitimately 'request' it, since they didn't gain it illegally according to our laws. A bit like saying we don't torture anyone, but we'll happily use information gained from torture as long as it was not done on our soil!


    That works both ways of course, and bypasses the relevant legislative scrutiny in both countries!




    So if anyone is still in any doubt as to whether to fill in that piece of crap - you have been warned!

  12. On a serious note, what is now happening in Japan proves that even a country that prides itself on order cannot survive without basic commodities, and that we have all become so reliant on our 'system' to provide them that we have no clue as to what to do when the 'system' fails us for whatever reason!


    Anyone with a bit of nouse knows that to survive any 'event', they need a food stockpile and a bit of energy generation capability - and as the sadly missed Pegasus would say, some way of defending it!

  13. If only one of those reactors goes up, a third of Japan will become 'unusable'...


    The world's third largest economy going 'tits up' will possibly have a greater catastrophic effect than the banking crisis!


    And as the saying goes, in a f*cked up globalised world we're only 4 days from chaos!

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