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Posts posted by sparks

  1. Anyone else wondering why natural and economic disasters are seemingly getting more frequent and severe in the run up to 2012?


    Could the Mayans have been right?

  2. NOOO thanks m8 i wanna win it not be held in contempt :He-he:






    Mind you, I'm itching to try out the Common law vs Admiralty/Commercial law defense!


    Have I posted this before?


    Watch both parts...


  3. We had this as well on London News last week about a certain borough (can't remember which one) but adds weight to Sparks point, big society "my a r s e" more like big stich up.



    Is Barnet the one you're thinking of?


    Draconian rent rises and greedy councils


    A 300% rise...


    But the relevant bit is just the same as here...


    The council also says the its 300 per cent rent rises will only bring in an extra £14,000 a year from its 3,000 allotment holders because it expects many of allotments to become self-governing.


    That admission makes it clear that Barnet's rent rises are not really about raising cash to meet budget problems, but are a crude attempt to force allotment holders into accepting self-governing status.


    Giving allotment holders a genuine choice of becoming independent from local authority control is one thing. But inflicting draconian financial penalties on those that don't seems grossly unfair.


    ALL local services are likely to go this way over the next few years unless people fight back....

  4. Not ours, but you're right - it's happening everywhere..


    And this is just a taster - over the next financial year it'll hit a myriad of 'services'..


    Effectively what is happening is the rolling back of everything we've gained since WWII...


    Roll on the revolution!



  5. Here's a small example of how Camoron's scheme will work...


    We have a small allotment (5 rods), and up until recently the 'rent' was a small amount, as Council's are obliged to provide the land.


    However, we've just had a 33% increase. Now £50 doesn't sound a lot, but what is planned is...


    We have just been told that they plan to put it up to just under £500 UNLESS people run it themselves...in return the 'rent' will only go up to £100, and thus the council are trying to claim that we will be saving ourselves nearly £400.


    Of course they were reluctant to reveal that the present cost of running the plots is only £58 per unit (so not much of a subsidy anyway), and any services that we will be forced to purchase from them will not be at cost, but at inflated rates. As a result, we have estimated that even with no-one getting paid for their work in running/maintaining the plots, it will cost approx £150 per plot for those 'services'...the very same ones that cost £58 to run at present including all wages!


    And the reason it's all changing?


    Well apparently growing food is now a 'leisure activity'..... :Furious:


    I'd like to see the f*cking councillors come down and see how much work is required to get a few hundred quids worth of Veg ...


    Unfortunately though my idea of dumping bags of manure and rotted vegetables at the town hall was considered a tad radical by the association....we'll see!

  6. As I said before, 38 prosecutions - out of those 2 million you talk of All1...!


    If you get charged, I will personally appear in your defence, and that is a promise...


    We have a campaign going on (Concensus? - Census Con!), which aims to refute the lies about confidentiality and which will hopefully persuade enough people to bin the form in order to make it meaningless..


    like working out how many people there are so we can work out schools and hospitals etc

    They already have that information, but choose to ignore it...this will be just the same.


    And cost us all £400m for the privilege!


    Still, at least Lockheed Martin will make a profit - I wonder who will get a well paid virtual seat on their board?... :Winky:

  7. Substitute ‘American’ for any Nationality you care to mention, and it still makes perfect sense!


    "For me, the great weapons used against the American people are fear and ignorance. Keeping people either so uneducated or distracted that they are not able to really form a valuable, educated choice is a great weapon. Fear is an even greater one. For one half of my life we have had administrations in this country that have used both of those to divide and conquer and to establish their particular vested interests in a way that best suited them and the people that they wanted to see profit.”


    A man of my thinking - Michael Stipe...

  8. I think there should be a new religeon that forbids you to give personal information to others.

    Well as it takes place on a day of rest, then there is already an excuse...


    Of course there is always fuckoffyouintrusivebastardsism to fall back on...

  9. Having received the purple document earlier today, I've actually had second thoughts about wasting my time on ficticious answers..


    It was the phrase "Your census response is required by law" that did it, along with the 'confidential' lie...


    So as a consquence our chickens are giving their 'response' , as they are happily sh*tting on the shredded document as we speak!

  10. But do you reckon the Government are going to Back down?

    Depends how you go about it...


    I've been involved in several victories when the issues were 'lost causes'...


    This doesn't involve money unfortunately & those dam Nonce's are stressing out the way we live.

    They are stressing us, or are we letting ourselves be stressed?


    It's a classic tactic to make people paranoid and thus bring in measures that are not justified!


    21st Century vibe unfortunately & truly sad now, as we are teaching our kids to live in fear, rather than counter acting those evil Mo' Fo's

    Personally I'm not teaching our kids to live in fear, but to be careful...I had the same approach when I travelled extensively to some risky areas (at the time), and I

    noticed that those who got into trouble normally tended to be the paranoid ones..

  11. Irrespective of the merits (or not) of a higher speed limit, this just about sums up a tory c*nt MP...


    Mr. Hammond said that safety might not be the only factor to consider when it comes to judging how fast cars travel on the roads.


    As long as the wheels of business keep rolling eh?


    Spain has adopted a rather different approach by lowering speed limits to reduce fuel usage and reduced rail fares to keep people moving.


    But then that's what you can do when you have a public railway system - unfortunately another tory c*nt privatised ours!

  12. Lost for words, mate. Lost for words.

    That's a first...lol

    Ive always despised the bitch and think she's a vote loser if ever there was. She is controlled by the wimmin I rage against. Nor is she very bright. She's been ripped to shreds when she's stood in for the Labour leader. A man hater she certainly is, extremely sexist

    Not only is she extremely sexist, but I would class her as an extremist!


    And is someone I'd happily drop in to man the barricades in Tripoli !

  13. And it's done for precisely the reasons you dismiss.

    Of course it's to spy on you. ALL governments (and Councils) do

    Err, that's exactly my objection you fool!


    But I don't really care. Ive nothing to hide.

    Nothing to hide?...Nothing at all?


    Not even something called your privacy?



  14. The Census ? Wonder if they'll dare tell us how many non-working third world immigrants we have to thank Labour for ?

    F*ck me...

    Despite disagreeing with your opinion of our darker skinned 'cousins', I'll have to say that your scepticism is spot on....

    It has nothing to do with the reality of our population, and should be treated as such - with contempt!

  15. And the students are being restricted in what way ?

    Much as I agree about tutoring fees increase etc being unforgivable (and guess who doesn't have to pay) - it's hardly bloody like with like.

    Hello again Phil...


    Actually the point is that students in both countries will be left with no opportunities (thus restricted), and are in the same position regardless of the respective fees they pay...


    Give it a while, and the price of basics will be forcing people on to the streets in the UK too!


    Personally I hope our lot get off their arses and change this place for the better, as our generation has completely f*cked up...!


    btw, do you think our governing system is more accountable in reality?

  16. Since this load of b*llocks is fast approaching, I just thought I'd remind people about why any info you give is NOT secure... The ONS are lying about it!


    Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007, s39:



    (4)Subsection (1) does not apply to a disclosure which—


    (a) is required or permitted by any enactment,


    (b) is required by a Community obligation,


    © is necessary for the purpose of enabling or assisting the Board to exercise any of its functions,


    (d) has already lawfully been made available to the public,


    (e) is made in pursuance of an order of a court,

    (f) is made for the purposes of a criminal investigation or criminal proceedings (whether or not in the United Kingdom),


    (g) is made, in the interests of national security, to an Intelligence Service,


    (h) is made with the consent of the person to whom it relates, or


    (i) is made to an approved researcher.


    NOYFB or false info is the only way to go if you value your privacy!

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